Ansøgning om prækvalifikation af videregående uddannelser

Kandidat - Bygningsteknik - Syddansk Universitet

Syddansk Universitet
31/01-2023 09:47
Ny uddannelse

SDU Odense

Informationer på kontaktperson for ansøgningen (navn, email og telefonnummer)
Specialkonsulent Kim Jensen, Tlf. 6550 2947 / 4186 6138, E-mail: Samt SDU's prækvalifikationsmailboks (

Er institutionen institutionsakkrediteret?

Er der tidligere søgt om godkendelse af uddannelsen eller udbuddet?


Uddannelsens fagbetegnelse på dansk

Uddannelsens fagbetegnelse på engelsk
Civil Engineering

Angiv den officielle danske titel, som institutionen forventer at bruge til den nye uddannelse
Kandidat (cand.polyt) i bygningsteknik

Angiv den officielle engelske titel, som institutionen forventer at bruge til den nye uddannelse
Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Civil Engineering)

Hvilket hovedområde hører uddannelsen under?
Teknisk videnskab

Hvilke adgangskrav gælder til uddannelsen?

For civilingeniøruddannelse (kandidat) i bygningsteknik gælder:

Direkte adgangsgivende retskravsbachelor er civilingeniøruddannelse (bachelor) i bygningsteknik fra SDU

Derudover giver nedenstående uddannelser direkte adgang til uddannelsen:

  • Civilingeniøruddannelsen (bachelor) i byggeri (AU)

  • Civilingeniøruddannelsen (bachelor) i byggeri og anlæg (AAU)

  • Civilingeniøruddannelsen (bachelor) i byggeteknologi (DTU)

  • Civilingeniøruddannelsen (bachelor) i bygningsdesign (DTU)

Idet uddannelsen undervises på engelsk, stilles endvidere krav om engelsk B niveau.

For øvrige ansøgere foretages en individuel vurdering.

Særlige adgangskrav med hensyn til fag, opgjort i ECTS-point, som den studerende skal have opfyldt på den enkelte bacheloruddannelse for at kunne optages på kandidatuddannelsen:

  • Naturvidenskabeligt grundlag (matematik, fysik, statik, styrkelære): mindst 20 ECTS

  • Bygningsteknologi (bygningsstruktur, bygningsteknik, byggematerialer): mindst 20 ECTS

  • Digitalisering (programmering og computational design, digital fabrikation og bygge-robotik, computer-aided design): mindst 10 ECTS

  • Bæredygtighed (bæredygtig udvikling, bygningsfysik, facade, energi og indeklima): mindst 10 ECTS

Er det et internationalt samarbejde, herunder Erasmus, fællesuddannelse el. lign.?

Hvis ja, hvilket samarbejde?

Hvilket sprog udbydes uddannelsen på?

Er uddannelsen primært baseret på e-læring?
Nej, undervisningen foregår slet ikke eller i mindre grad på nettet.


Beskrivelse af uddannelsens formål og erhvervssigte. Beskrivelsen må maks. fylde 1200 anslag


Uddannelsens har til formål at uddanne civilingeniører i bygningsteknik, der kombinerer den byggefaglige viden, færdigheder og kompetencer med særlige kvalifikationer i relation til digitalt og bæredygtigt byggeri.


Civilingeniøren i bygningsteknik fra SDU vil på højt internationalt niveau kunne bestride komplekse erhvervsfunktioner inden for:

  • Rådgivende ingeniører

  • Civilingeniører på tegnestuer

  • Entreprenørvirksomheder

  • Bygherrer

  • Specialist i computational design

  • Digital Fabrikation

  • Bæredygtige og cirkulære byggeeksperter

  • Produktudviklere i relation til byggeriet i bred forstand

  • Diverse planlægningsfunktioner i relation til byggeriet og by-, vej- og anlægsplanlægning

  • Forsker og undervisning

  • Projektleder i relation til byggeriet i bred forstand

  • Civilingeniøren vil endvidere have kvalifikationer i relation til innovation og opstart af selvstændig virksomhed.

Uddannelses struktur og konstituerende faglige elementer

Uddannelsen er bygget op af

  • 30 ECTS-point obligatoriske konstituerende uddannelseselementer

  • 50 ECTS-point profilafhængie, obligatoriske konstiturende uddannelseselementer

  • 10 ECTS-point valgfrie uddannelseselementer

  • 30 ECTS point specialeprojekt 

Den nærmere struktur for uddannelsen er at finde i bilaget.

Derudover er de enkelte fagelementer for hvert semester på Civilingeniør kandidatuddannelsen i bygningsteknik beskrevet i det følgende:


Life Cycle Assessment for the Built Environment
5 ECTS - Common Course
Contents: The course introduces notions of planetary boundaries for achieving absolute sustainability of our future built environment. It provides cutting-edge examples of how the construction industry should operate within these boundaries. The Life Cycle Assessment methodology  is introduced to systematically measure the sustainability of specific design, material and construction choices.
Objective: The course provides specific knowledge about planetary boundaries, sustainability targets for the construction industry, and competencies to integrate the LCA assessments in early-stage design and engineering tasks.

Finite Element Analysis (Advanced)
5 ECTS - Common Course
Contents: The course will give advanced knowledge about the Finite Element Method, including element formulations, numerical solution procedures and modelling details. The course will also allow the students to use commercial FE packages to solve practical and research problems in structural design and civil engineering.
Objective: The course offers the students the knowledge and skills to perform advanced FEA of complex design and material solutions.

Computational Methods for Design Optimization
5 ECTS - Specialization in Computational Design and Construction Robotics
Contents: The course focuses on performance data-driven design linked to building simulations. Multi-objective optimization, generative design and machine learning are fundamental methods for rationally exploring sustainable and efficient design and engineering within early-stage design phases. Students will learn computational methods to automate the search for good design candidates, analyse their performance data, and make design predictions.
Objective: The course provides the computational skills and competencies for employing sophisticated optimisation methods in various design and engineering tasks.

Computational Design (Advanced) 
5 ECTS - Specialization in Computational Design and Construction Robotics
Contents: The course introduces the fundamental notions to automate design and control complex geometry through textual programming language/code - providing the basics of programming structures in Python/C#. Through tutorial-based learning, students will gain competencies in design programming with procedural, iterative, recursive, generative or object-oriented algorithms. 
Objective: The course develops the foundational programming skills for future engineers and competencies for implementing design, engineering and construction tasks of high complexity with a computational approach.

Timber Structures (Advanced)
5 ECTS - Specialization in Structural Design
Contents: Timber is essential for achieving sustainable net-zero construction. The course focuses on simple and advanced timber structures, including designing and analysing complex connection details. The course gives the background for static calculations, including the influence of anisotropic strength and inhomogeneity. 
Objective: The course will provide the students with skills to design and calculate simple and complex timber structures and details using classic and modern timber materials, such as CLT (Cross Laminated Timber).

Continuum Mechanics
5 ECTS - Specialization in Structural Design
Contents: The course focus on continuum mechanics and gives general knowledge on elasticity theory, stresses and strains in cartesian coordinate systems, principal stresses and strains for general 3D modes, von Mises’ and Tresca’s flow hypotheses, elastic isotropy, orthotropy and anisotropy for laminates, laminate theory, plate theory and torsion theory. 
Objective: The course provides the students with skills to apply general elasticity theory and competencies to solve problems within continuum mechanics using mathematical methods.

Concrete Structures (Advanced)
5 ECTS - Specialization in Structural Design
Contents: The course focuses on advanced methods for calculating load-bearing capacity and crack development of simple and advanced concrete structures. The course includes plasticity theory and yield conditions for concrete. The course introduces some of the newest research and how it can be used in practice. 
Objective: The course provides skills to formulate and explain upper and lower-bound methods to calculate concrete structures. Furthermore, it provides competencies to generalise limit analysis and concrete plasticity to engineer simple and complex concrete structures. 

Computational Design + Robotics Studio 1
10 ECTS - Specialization in Computational Design and Construction Robotics
Contents: In the studio-based course, students will work in teams to apply the knowledge and skills gained on programming, computational optimisation, finite element modelling and life-cycle assessment in a complex design and engineering project. The specific project theme revolves around the design and optimisation of net-zero structures.
Objective: Students will gain competencies in developing sustainable projects of high complexity in an engineering team, using state-of-the-art computational, simulation and optimisation methods.


Experimental Materials and Structures
5 ECTS - Common Course
Contents: The seminar introduces students to the evaluation of carbon-minimal and resource-efficient materials for construction, focusing on the intersection of material-driven design and experimenting with non-standard materials and structures. Students are involved in bottom-up laboratory investigations - exploring future sustainable material solutions, conducting hands-on materialisation processes, and conducting non-standard structural investigations. 
Objective:  The course will provide students with knowledge of non-standard construction solutions and skills to experiment, evaluate and assess the potential of innovative materials and fabrication processes.

Design of Experiments
5 ECTS - Common Course
Contents: The course introduces the principal strategies for acquiring meaningful data from engineered experiments and creating useful calculation models. Techniques include comparative tests, analysis of variance, randomised block designs, factorial designs, fractional factorial designs, regression, response surfaces, stochastic processes and system model identification.
Objective:  The course provides the students with knowledge and competencies to set up, carry out and critically observe/discuss research experiments. 

Circular Design and Construction
5 ECTS - Common Course
Contents: The seminar will introduce concepts of circular construction, such as “Design and Engineering for R” (reuse, refurbish, remanufacture, recycle). The students will gain theoretical notions of circular construction materials and building technology and learn how to use available engineering methods to achieve circularity in practice.
Objective: The course will provide fundamental knowledge and competencies for critical evaluation and application of different circularity methods in construction projects. 

Robotic Fabrication (Fundamentals)
5 ECTS - Specialization in Computational Design and Construction Robotics
Contents: The course introduces students to construction robotics methods. The potential of robotics, automation and fabrication will be studied with real-life case studies. The students will learn the basics of industrial robotics, robot programming and simulation. Using cutting-edge research facilities, students will experiment with real-scale tasks of construction automation.
Objective: The course will give fundamental knowledge and skills for autonomously using robotic processes and automating construction in the AEC sector.

Structural Vibrations
5 ECTS - Specialization in Structural Design
Contents: The course introduces the basic concepts and methods to analyse vibrations of a structural system, methods to solve different vibration problems, and vibrations in linear systems with both a finite and an infinite number of degrees of freedom. Free and forced vibrations will be treated.
Objective: The course provides the students with skills to Establish the governing differential equations and competencies to analyse the mode shapes of forced vibrations of damped and non-damped systems.

Steel Structures (Advanced)
5 ECTS - Specialization in Structural Design
Contents: The course focuses on advanced methods for the design and analysis of steel structures. The course provides the background for the modelling of welded and bolted connections. Furthermore, other advanced methods are provided, such as the plasticity-based yield line theory for beams and plates and methods for calculating the instability and buckling.
Objective: The course provides students with skills and competencies to analyse and calculate advanced steel structures against static loads and fatigue.

Prestressed Concrete
5 ECTS - Specialization in Structural Design
Contents: The course introduces the basic principles of prestressed concrete structures and gives the students knowledge on the design of determinate and indeterminate prestressed structures loaded in bending, shear and axial loads. The course builds upon the course on advanced concrete structures and gives detailed knowledge of the different aspects of designing a pre-stressed concrete structure.
Objective: The course provides the students with skills and competencies to analyse prestressed concrete structures and use both standard and research-based methods to design different types of prestressed concrete structures

Computational Design + Robotics Studio 2
10 ECTS - Specialization in Computational Design and Construction Robotics
Contents: In the studio-based course, students will work in teams to apply the knowledge and skills gained on robotics, experimental structure and testing, circular construction to a construction robotics project. Students will engage with robotic timber construction at a large scale in the laboratory environment. They will develop an engineered project conceived for automated construction and use robots to fabricate building-scale demonstrators.
Objective: Students will gain competencies for automating contemporary and future construction processes to improve the building industry's sustainability, efficiency and safety.


Digital Tool Development
5 ECTS - Specialization in Computational Design and Construction Robotics
Contents: The course will focus on advanced aspects of Python/C# scripting and plug-in development for automating the design and engineering tasks in the construction industry. Through this seminar, students will learn how to extend the capabilities of existing software, from simply automating repetitive computational tasks to implementing advanced algorithmic tools.
Objective:  The course will provide the students with the skills for developing custom pieces of software/plug-ins that extend and automate the functionality of existing design and engineering software.

Wind and Human Loads
5 ECTS - Specialization in Structural Design
Contents: The course deals with the wind load based on the wind load chain, which deals with the overall wind conditions in the troposphere and the importance of terrain conditions for the wind at the boundary layer near the earth's surface. Next, the aerodynamic and mechanical response is treated, leading to design criteria for the wind load. The nature of the rhythmic person load is described, and its importance for slender low-frequency structures is treated in the service and failure limit states.
Objective: The course provides the students with skills and competencies to avoid unacceptable vibrations of structures caused by wind and human loads.

Robotic Fabrication (Advanced)
5 ECTS - Specialization in Computational Design and Construction Robotics
Contents: The course provides up-skilling sessions for advanced robotic applications in Construction 4.0. Students will learn how to develop construction automation processes using available technologies, such as sensors and cameras, to support robotic fabrication processes and increase the level of automation in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction sector.
Objective:  The course will provide the knowledge and skills for developing custom robotic processes using sensing devices to gain information about materials and the environment within which the robot operates.

Stability and Vibration
5 ECTS - Specialization in Structural Design
Contents: The course deals with static and dynamic stability of beams, columns and frames. It also concerns the vibration of continuous beams, columns and frames, numerical discretisation, eigenvalue analysis and numerical approximations.
Objective: The course provides the student with competencies to analyse the stability of beams, columns and frame structures.

Bridge Structures
5 ECTS - Specialization in Structural Design
Contents: The course deals with the design of bridge structures, including conceptual design, global and local analysis, choice of optimal bridge configuration and selection of statical systems. The course also introduces issues such as dynamic loading and construction engineering, i.e. erection methods.
Objective: The course will provide students with skills to choose and design different bridge structures.

Non-linear Finite Element Analysis
5 ECTS - Specialization in Structural Design
Contents: The course provides fundamental knowledge of material and geometrical nonlinearities and plasticity theory to solve nonlinear structural problems. The fundamental theoretical background, the computer implementations of various techniques and modelling strategies will be treated.
Objective: The course will provide the students with competencies to formulate and solve problems in continuum mechanics for nonlinear problems with the Finite Element Method (FEM).

Computational Design + Robotics Studio 3
10 ECTS - Specialization in Computational Design and Construction Robotics
Contents: The automation and digital implementation of planning processes (design, engineering) and construction (fabrication, on-site assembly) are the fundamental enablers for a high-efficiency sustainable built environment. In this studio-based course, students will work in teams applying their skills for software development in a large-scale construction 3D printing project, managing the complexity involved in innovating the construction process, from conceptualisation to fabrication.
Objective: Students will develop key skills and competencies on fully automated projects, developing workflows that connect design, engineering and construction phases with a digital and data-driven methodology.

Statistics and Probabilistic Methods
5 ECTS - Elective Course
Contents: The course introduces the basic concepts of risk, uncertainty, reliability and safety. The concepts include modelling of physical, statistical, model- and measurement uncertainty.Furthermore, the course provides methods for assessing reliability for structural and non-structural systems and the calibration of partial coefficients for safety and load combinations.
Objective: The course provides students with the skills to apply Bayesian statistical methods and be able to apply risk and reliability methods for probabilistic design. The student will get competencies to model, calculate and communicate risk analysis, uncertainties and reliability for engineering problems.

Experimental Architecture with Computational Design and Digital Fabrication
5 ECTS - Elective Course
Contents: The elective course focuses on the 1:1 scale development of innovative construction solutions, designed and engineered with computational methods and digitally fabricated by the students. Experimental structures are developed, teaching students how to prototype, test and build with advanced fabrication machinery.
Objective: The course will provide the students with knowledge about emerging digital technologies for design and fabrication and the skills to apply them to experimental architectural prototypes.  

Façade Design and Engineering
5 ECTS - Elective Course
Contents: The course focuses on the knowledge about the transition towards sustainable, cost-optimal and resource-efficient building envelopes. It introduces data-driven calculation processes for facade design and engineering to optimise energy use, indoor comfort, well-being, and light.
Objective: The course provides the basic knowledge and skills for computational analysis and simulation of building envelopes regarding energy use, indoor comfort and light. 

Master (MSc) Pre-Thesis 
10 ECTS - Elective Course
Contents:  Students that are interested in the experimental thesis will have the opportunity of choosing a preliminary thesis course, where they will be focusing on an in-depth analysis of the literature and the design of an advanced experiment to be conducted in laboratories for structural/material testing and construction robotics.
Objective:  The elective course will allow students to investigate an advanced problem and engage in assisted experiments on an individually-defined topic of interest. 


Master (MSc) Thesis Studio
Contents: Students investigate a research-based engineering topic within their master specialisation or work in an interdisciplinary group across the two specialisations in computational design, construction robotics, and structural engineering.
Objective:  Students will learn how to conduct scientific experiments and develop the competencies necessary to innovate future design, engineering and construction tasks in the building industry and research.

Begrundet forslag til takstindplacering af uddannelsen

Den allerede godkendte dansksprogede uddannelse er indplaceret i takst 3 i lighed med øvrige ingeniøruddannelser, hvilket SDU ønsker at fastholde ved sprogskiftet til engelsk.

Forslag til censorkorps
Den allerede godkendte uddannelse har fået tilknyttet Ingeniør-uddannelsernes censorkorps, hvilket SDU ønsker at fastholde

Dokumentation af efterspørgsel på uddannelsesprofil - Upload PDF-fil på max 30 sider. Der kan kun uploades én fil
Behovsundersøgelse og øvrige bilag - Bygningsteknik 27.01.2023.pdf

Kort redegørelse for det nationale og regionale behov for den nye uddannelse. Besvarelsen må maks. fylde 1800 anslag

Med godkendelsen af den eksisterende kandidatuddannelse til Civilingeniør i bygningsteknik på SDU i 2019 er behovet for uddannelsen allerede vurderet og godkendt.

Behovet er sidenhen steget. En undersøgelse viser at der i 2030 vil mangle ca. 13.000 inden for ingeniør, teknik og it-området, hvortil bl.a. byggeri fremhæves pga. det store fokus på bæredygtighed ( Mismatch på det danske arbejdsmarked 2030). Allerede i dag betyder det store rekrutteringsudfordringer – fx melder hele 93% af medlemsvirksomhederne fra FRI om mangel på ingeniører og ingeniørkompetencer (FRI: Konjunkturrapport april 2021). En udfordring som selv samme rapport forventer vil stige i fremtiden grundet det store fokus på grøn omstilling og bæredygtighed.

Et godt eksempel herpå er Cowi, der til Dagens Byggeri på den ene side har udtalt, at de ønsker at øge arbejdsstyrken med 100 ingeniører i Syddanmark, men på den anden side også beretter om, at de må sige nej til opgaver grundet 115 ubesatte stillinger på landsplan.

Dette understøttes af data fra UFM's datavarehus der viser, at der fra landets beslægtede uddannelser indenfor byggeri kun er 15 ud af 1693 dimittender fra 2014 – 2018, der i dag er ansat på Fyn.

Det er et faktum, at mobiliteten blandt nyuddannede ingeniører er lav – og det betyder omvendt også, at størstedelen af ingeniørerne inden for byggeri, som er uddannet fra SDU i perioden 2014 – 2018, i dag er ansat på Fyn.

Det lokale arbejdsmarkedsbehov på særligt Fyn skal således dækkes via dimittender fra Civilingeniøruddannelsen i Bygningsteknik i Odense. Det forventede optag af danske studerende, vil dog være langt fra tilstrækkeligt til at kunne dække behovet, og der er derfor behov for at ændre udbudssproget til engelsk så også internationale studerende kan uddannes.

Uddybende bemærkninger

Ingen yderligere bemærkninger

Underbygget skøn over det nationale og regionale behov for dimittender. Besvarelsen må maks. fylde 1200 anslag

Med udgangspunkt i byggeriets udvikling og dialogen med eksterne interessenter i forbindelse med udviklingen af civilingeniøruddannelsen i bygningsteknik er det vurderingen, at arbejdsmarkedet på sigt vil kunne absorbere et betydeligt antal civilingeniører i bygningsteknik.

Til den allerede godkendte kandidatuddannelse på dansk forventes et optag på 25-30 studerende årligt, der stammer fra særligt retskravsansøgere, samt evt. et mindre optag af diplomingeniørstuderende i bygningsteknik eller øvrige nationale civilingeniøruddannelser indenfor byggeri.

Ved at ændre uddannelsens udbudssprog til engelsk, forventes derudover et optag af udenlandske ansøgere på ca. 15-20 studerende, hvorved det samlede årlige optag forventes at ende på ca. 40-50 studerende.

Med henvisning til den omfattende dialog SDU havde med eksterne interessenter navnligt i Region Syddanmark i 2019 såvel som i 2022 er det vurderingen, at det på sigt øgede antal dimittender fortsat vil være i underkanten af, hvad der er behov for primært i Region Syddanmark, sekundært nationalt set. Dette underbygges yderligere af, at navnligt civilingeniørgraden i bygningsteknik er så lidt repræsenteret i Region Syddanmark.

Hvilke aftagere har været inddraget i behovsundersøgelsen? Besvarelsen må maks. fylde 1200 anslag

På SDU benyttes en fast proces for udvikling og prækvalifikation af nye uddannelser hvorved en grundig behovsundersøgelse sikres. Behovsundersøgelsen har taget udgangspunkt i den løbende dialog, som Det Tekniske Fakultet på SDU har haft med aftagerne om den allerede eksisterende civilingeniør kandidatuddannelse i Bygningsteknik på SDU’s campus i Odense, hvor det allerede ved oprettelsen af den danske version blev vurderet, at dimittendoutputtet ikke ville kunne dække det lokale behov.

Behovsundersøgelsen blev derfor gennemført fra sommeren 2022 til november 2022, for at tydeliggøre det kvantitative dimittendbehov, samt undersøge om aftagerne vil kunne bruge internationale dimittender.

Hertil blev et udvidet aftagerpanelsmøde afholdt, hvilket blev suppleret med kvantitative data såvel som individuelle tilkendegivelser fra de enkelte aftagere.

En oversigt over inddragede, eksterne interessenter og virksomheder ses i bilaget.

Hvordan er det konkret sikret, at den nye uddannelse matcher det påviste behov? Besvarelsen må maks. fylde 1200 anslag

Uddannelsen eksisterer allerede. Det er derfor allerede påvist at uddannelsen matcher aftagernes behov og fokus har derfor været på aftagernes kvantitative behov for dimittender, såvel som deres behov for ansatte der både sprogligt og kulturelt kan begå sig i et internationalt arbejdsmiljø.

Dog har den løbende dialog med aftagerne siden oprettelsen af uddannelsen ligeledes vist, at der i dag også er behov for en profil inden for digital design, hvorved denne er blevet tilføjet uddannelsen.

Uddannelsesopbygningen kan ses i bilaget.

Beskriv ligheder og forskelle til beslægtede uddannelser, herunder beskæftigelse og eventuel dimensionering. Besvarelsen må maks. fylde 1200 anslag

Nationalt set er civilingeniøruddannelse i bygningsteknik beslægtet med flere uddannelser, særligt:

  • AAU: Bygge- og anlægskonstruktion (Engelsk)

  • DTU: Bygningsdesign (Engelsk)

  • AAU: Byggeledelse (Dansk)

  • DTU: Byggeteknologi (Engelsk)

  • AU: Byggeri (Engelsk)

Det bemærkes, at alle beslægtede uddannelser har lav ledighed.

Ovenstående uddannelser må forventes også fremadrettet at udvikle deres uddannelser med fokus på byggeriets dominerende megatrends klima, bæredygtighed, cirkulær konstruktion og digitalisering, construction 4.0

SDU har dog på netop disse områder en komparativ fordel ved allerede inden oprettelsen at have opbygget signifikant forskningsunderstøttelse såvel som laboratoriefaciliteter, der bringes i anvendelse. Derved har civilingeniøruddannelsen i bygningsteknik fra starten være opbygget med fokus på digitalisering og automatisering af byggeri, bæredygtighed, cirkulær økonomi.

Endvidere henvises til, at der dels vil være behov for flere bygningsingeniører nationalt set; dels at der er en særlig situation på Fyn og i Region Syddanmark som helhed med markant behov for at uddanne civilingeniører i bygningsteknik til byggeriområdet.

Uddybende bemærkninger

Det Tekniske Fakultet på SDU har vurderet, at det ikke vil være relevant at indhente høringssvar fra andre institutioner, da

  • der ikke eksisterer lignende uddannelser i nærheden af Odense (de nærmeste ligger i hhv. Lyngby og Århus)

  • den lave mobilitet fra landets øvrige uddannelser betyder, at der ikke er nogen lokal beskæftigelseskonkurrence

  • uddannelsen allerede eksisterer på dansk og målgruppen for sprogændringen derfor er internationale ansøgere

Beskriv rekrutteringsgrundlaget for ansøgte, herunder eventuelle konsekvenser for eksisterende beslægtede udbud. Besvarelsen må maks. fylde 1200 anslag

Ændringen af uddannelsessprog til engelsk har til hensigt at udvide uddannelsens rekrutteringsgrundlag, så det udover det eksisterende danske rekrutteringsgrundlag, der forventes primært at består af retskravsbachelorer fra SDU’s civilingeniør (bachelor) i bygningsteknik, ligeledes vil kunne tiltrække udenlandske ansøgere til uddannelsen. De udenlandske ansøgere må formodes både at komme fra EU og uden fra EU. Det er vanskeligt på forhånd at vurdere, hvordan denne fordeling vil være.

Målgruppen betyder ligeledes, at et ændret udbudssprog ikke vil få nogen konsekvenser for andre beslægtede uddannelser.

Beskriv kort mulighederne for videreuddannelse

Dimittender kan komme i betragtning til Ph.d. forskeruddannelsesstilling.

Forventet optag på de første 3 år af uddannelsen. Besvarelsen må maks. fylde 200 anslag

Det danske optag på 25-30 studerende årligt forventes med sprogændringen at få tilført et ekstra internationalt optag på

  • 2024: 10 studerende

  • 2025: 15 studerende

  • 2026: 20 studerende

Hvis relevant: forventede praktikaftaler. Besvarelsen må maks. fylde 1200 anslag

Ikke relevant

Øvrige bemærkninger til ansøgningen

Uddannelsen eksisterer allerede og blev godkendt ved ansøgningsrunden 2019-II. Nærværende ansøgning har således udelukkende til formål at imødekomme arbejdsmarkedsbehovet i særligt region Syddanmark ved at ændre sprogretningen for kandidatuddannelsen fra dansk til engelsk.

Hermed erklæres, at ansøgning om prækvalifikation er godkendt af institutionens rektor

Status på ansøgningen


Afgørelsesbilag - Upload PDF-fil
Afgørelsesbrev A5 SDU kandidat i Civil Engineering.pdf

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