Ansøgning om prækvalifikation af videregående uddannelser

Kandidat - Kandidatuddannelsen i kulturpolitik og kulturledelse - Københavns Universitet

Københavns Universitet
27/01-2017 10:45
Ny uddannelse


Kontaktperson for ansøgningen på uddannelsesinstitutionen
Peter Munkebo Hussmann

Er institutionen institutionsakkrediteret?

Er der tidligere søgt om godkendelse af uddannelsen eller udbuddet?


Uddannelsens fagbetegnelse på dansk fx. kemi
Kandidatuddannelsen i kulturpolitik og kulturledelse

Uddannelsens fagbetegnelse på engelsk fx. chemistry
Nordic Master in Cultural Policy and Cultural Leadership

Den uddannedes titel på dansk
Cand.mag. i kulturpolitik og kulturledelse

Den uddannedes titel på engelsk
Master of Arts (MA) in Cultural Policy and Cultural Leadership

Hvilket hovedområde hører uddannelsen under?

Hvilke adgangskrav gælder til uddannelsen?

The following Bachelor’s degrees grant direct admission to the programme in Cultural Policy and Cultural Leadership:

  • Art History from University of Copenhagen

  • Comparative Literature from University of Copenhagen

  • Film and Media Studies from University of Copenhagen

  • History from University of Copenhagen

  • Information Science and Cultural Communication from University of Copenhagen

  • Musicology from University of Copenhagen

  • Theatre and Performance Studies from University of Copenhagen

  • History from University of Roskilde

  • Performance Design from University of Roskilde

  • History from University of Southern Denmark

  • Library Science and Knowledge Communication from University of Southern Denmark

  • Media Studies from University of Southern Denmark

  • Sociology and Cultural Analysis from University of Southern Denmark

  • Art History from University of Aarhus

  • Comparative Literature from University of Aarhus

  • Dramaturgy from University of Aarhus

  • History from University of Aarhus

  • Media Studies from University of Aarhus

  • Musicology from University of Aarhus

  • Art and Technology from University of Aalborg

  • Communication and Digital Media: Interactive Digital Media from University of Aalborg

  • History from University of Aalborg

  • Musicology from University of Aalborg

Applicants with another Bachelor’s degree

Applicants with another Bachelor’s degree within the humanities or social sciences from a Nordic or another Non-Danish university (as well as equivalent Danish and Non-Danish research based educations) may be admitted to the Master in Cultural Policy and Cultural Leadership.

Applicants not holding a Bachelor’s degree granting them direct admission must also enclose additional documentation with the application for the Faculty of Humanities to be able to assess, whether the Bachelor’s degree obtained qualifies the applicant admission to the programme. Among other documentation, the applicant must enclose an account of their fulfillment of the admission requirements.

Assessment criteria

In the event that the number of applicants exceeds the capacity, the applicants will be admitted based on an overall assessment of the following criteria accordingly:

1) Applicants granted direct access

  • Grades from the applicant's bachelor's degree

  • Length of possible break between graduated bachelor meme and time of application

  • Duration of bachelor programme

2) Applicants holding other bachelor's degrees

  • Grades from the applicant's bachelor's degree

  • Length of possible break between graduated bachelor programme and time of application

  • Duration of bachelor programme

3) The applicant’s relevant educational activities 

4) Any other relevant experiences described in the Curriculum Vitae (CV)

5) The applicant’s personal statement, including:  

  • How and why is the applicant’s educational background and experiences and other professional experiences relevant to his or her interest and ability for completing the Master in Cultural Policy and Cultural Leadership.

  • What career considerations are leading to the applicant’s interest and application for a Master in Cultural Policy and Cultural Leadership? Which initial plans and ideas has the applicant for the future use of the degree?

  • Which learning outcome of special interest does the applicant expect by completing the Master in Cultural Policy and Cultural Leadership and why?

  • Which subject could be relevant to address for an assignment as part of the Master in Cultural Policy and Cultural Leadership and why?

Language requirements

Language requirements for the programme should correspond to English at level B as required by the Danish upper secondary school or a IELTS test with a minimum score of 6,5.

Er det et internationalt uddannelsessamarbejde?

Hvis ja, hvilket samarbejde?

Uddannelsen er en nordisk kandidatuddannelse (Nordic Master). Der er tale om en 'multiple degree', som betyder, at de studerende får et eksamensbevis fra tre forskellige universiteter, i tre forskellige lande.

Hvilket sprog udbydes uddannelsen på?

Er uddannelsen primært baseret på e-læring?


Beskrivelse af uddannelsen

I januar 2014 godkendte Nordisk Ministerråd en ansøgning om tilskud til udviklingen af en fælles nordisk kandidatuddannelse i Cultural Leadership. De tre partnere i projektet er Högskolan i Borås (HB), Københavns Universitet (KU) og Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN). Uddannelsen er struktureret således, at de studerende opholder sig mindst et semester i hvert land. Således afvikles 1. semester i Norge, 2. semester i Sverige og 3. semester i Danmark. Specialet skriver de studerende ved den institution, hvor de er indskrevet. Baggrunden for tildelingen af midler til udviklingen af uddannelsen er de store forandringer, som i disse år præger den kulturelle sektor, og som medfører et behov for nye kompetencer for professionelle i kulturfeltet. Forandringer så som øget globalisering, digitalisering og ændrede brugsmønstre i kultursektoren slår igennem både i forhold til konsumption, distribution og produktion af kunst og kultur. Mange af disse ændringer har fundet sted relativt hurtigt, hvilket betyder, at ledere og beslutningstagere i den kulturelle sektor i dag står over for markant anderledes udfordringer, end de stod overfor for blot 15 til 20 år siden. For at udøve ledelse i en kulturinstitution i dag er det ikke tilstrækkeligt blot at have en kunstnerisk eller administrativ tilgang. Ud over dette må kulturledere i dag og i fremtiden have viden, kompetencer og en reflekteret tilgang til en række sociale, økonomiske, ledelsesmæssige og kulturpolitiske problemstillinger. Formålet med uddannelsen er således at kunne forsyne den kulturelle sektor i de nordiske lande og i Europa med kandidater, der besidder de nødvendige kompetencer til at kunne agere i forhold til udfordringerne i den kulturelle sektor. Med andre ord, at udvikle en forskningsbaseret og praksisnær uddannelse, som retter sig mod et reelt behov i kultursektoren nu og i fremtiden. 

1. Knowledge and understanding

1.1. Identify and explain key characteristics of cultural policy, cultural theory and the cultural field

1.2. Describe and analyse the role of cultural organisations in contemporary society

1.3. Identify and compare central and different characteristics of leadership in cultural organisations in the Nordic countries and beyond

1.4. Demonstrate specialised methodological knowledge in the cultural policy studies and implement these for strategic development of cultural organisations 
2. Skills

2.1. Demonstrate the ability to identify and formulate issues for cultural policy and cultural leadership autonomously as well as to plan and, using appropriate methods, undertake advanced tasks within predetermined time frames

2.2. Demonstrate the ability in speech and writing, in national as well as international contexts, to communicate knowledge related to cultural policy and cultural leadership in dialogue with different audiences

2.3. Demonstrate the ability to transfer and adapt academic theories and concepts to professional contexts so as to initiate development, implement solutions and formulate research-based recommendations for cultural policy and cultural leadership

2.4. Independently initiate and carry out discipline-specific and interdisciplinary collaboration and develop innovative strategies and entrepreneurship in the cultural field. 
3. Competencies

3.1. Understand and critically analyse the role of culture and cultural policy in society, nationally and internationally

3.2. Understand and critically analyse how cultural practices, policies and global megatrends such as digitization, globalization, equality and sustainable development affect cultural organisations

3.3. Demonstrate the ability to make assessments in cultural policy studies informed by relevant disciplinary, social and ethical issues and also to demonstrate awareness of ethical aspects of research and development work

3.4. Demonstrate insight into the possibilities and limitations of research, its role in society and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used

3.5. Demonstrate the ability to identify the personal need for further knowledge and take responsibility for his or her ongoing learning
The main purpose of the Nordic Master in Cultural Policy and Cultural Leadership is to enhance the student’s academic knowledge and skills, and to further develop the theoretical and methodological competences gained at Bachelor’s level. The student gains greater independence and academic immersion through the advanced elements of the subject area’s disciplines and methods, including training in research work and methodology. The student is given the opportunity to develop and focus his or her competences with a view to future work in specialist functions, including admission to a PhD programme. Successful candidates are given the right to use the title Master in Cultural Policy and Cultural Leadership. How the compliance between the title, the competence profile, objectives and content will be reflected in the study programme will be clarified below. 
Cultural policy within this context is understood as the promotion or prohibition of cultural practices and values by governments, corporations, other institutions and individuals. Cultural institutions, particularly within the professional arts, have traditionally been predicated on strong artistic leaderships. Through the arms-length principle, whereby political legislators back away from artistic decisions, a strong cultural leadership based on artistic excellence has developed. However, changing conditions encountered by the cultural sector are challenging its relationship with the wider society. Increased globalization, the offset of digitalization and the rethinking of aesthetic and quality valuations of cultural output imply that new forms of creative leaderships need to be developed; leaderships that cannot exclusively be based on artistic expertise. Hence, cultural leadership, within this context, is understood as the change-making decisions that have an effective impact on cultural production, distribution and consumption. The programme is predicated on the idea that cultural policy and cultural leadership are closely intertwined in the sense that effective cultural leadership in fact is cultural policy since successful and effective cultural leaders are per se cultural policy makers.
The programme combines academic approaches from the humanities and the social sciences to provide graduates with training in interdisciplinary analytic competencies in order to address challenges and opportunities in cultural policy making and cultural leadership, including, but not limited to Cultural Theory, Cultural Policy, the Cultural Field, Applied Research Methods, Cultural Value in a Leadership Context, Leadership and Project Management in cultural organisations and Partnerships and Entrepreneurships. Graduates will be able to critically reflect and transfer theories and methods to a wide range of contexts in order to develop independent solutions and take proactive initiatives in response to cultural policy and cultural leadership challenges and opportunities. Degree holders will be equipped to fill positions in both the private, public and third sectors that require comprehensive knowledge, and reflection, of academic theory and methodologies designed to meet challenges and opportunities in cultural policymaking and cultural leadership.  

Uddannelsens konstituerende faglige elementer

Uddannelsens struktur er præsenteret i bilag 1

Study location HSN (Norway) 1. semester

Cultural Theory (compulsory and constituent) 15 ECTS credits 
This course is preoccupied with cultural theory in general and more specifically with the intellectual trajectories of cultural studies. It is divided into the following main categories:

Overarching theme: The notion of culture, cultural definitions and cultural theory. The history and theory of the humanities (with main focus on history and literature theory). The history and theory of the social sciences, with emphasis on cultural sociology. Key themes within the cultural studies tradition: identity and modernity.
The course emphasises theoretical perspectives that are common to several disciplines and particularly relevant for interdisciplinary studies. Parts of the course are divided into clear thematic sub-categories. Furthermore, the course will connect general theory to central themes within cultural studies, like identity and modernity. The course will also demonstrate how common theory can be used in specific analytical contexts. In addition to its main focus on key cultural theories, the module will contain a number of seminars linking this to historical and contemporary issues within cultural policy and cultural leadership.

Theory of Science (compulsory and constituent) 7,5 ECTS credits
This course will lay the foundation for the scientific and methodological dimension of the entire master programme. Different epistemological approaches will be discussed and analysed. The course will include a historical exposition of different scientific approaches, their development and hegemonic struggle. However, the focus will be on contemporary epistemological debates and methodological approaches. Finally, the course will help the students to position themselves as researchers and cultural practitioners and enable them to reflect on this position and objectivise the focus of their research. The course will continuously relate theories of science to the field of cultural policy and cultural leadership. 

Cultural Value in a Leadership perspective (compulsory and constituent) 7,5 ECTS credits
This course focuses on developing and employing cultural values underpinning cultural institutions and cultural leadership. Key content of the course will be corporate social responsibility, understood as responsibility for the cultural institutions´ effects on environmental and social wellbeing, legitimation strategies, and cultural value. The concept of cultural value enables students to rethink leadership and cultural institutions’ position in a changing world. The course will also focus on cultural institutions’ legitimation strategies, which includes valuations of the institutions’ core products’, their intrinsic value and the instrumental use these, plus the strategies through which the cultural sector aims to be of more relevance to a wider range of constituencies.

Study location HB (Sweden) 2. semester

Cultural Policy (compulsory and constituent) 15 ECTS credits
The content of the course covers an overview over as well as an insight into the history, theory and practice of cultural policy at the local, regional and national levels in selected countries and at the international level. It aims at providing the students with enhanced skills to understand analyse and assess the position and role of culture, cultural leadership and cultural policy in contemporary society. Theoretical perspectives on culture, cultural leadership and cultural policy are combined with practical features in order to sharpen the analytical skills of the students. Since research about cultural policy is a multidisciplinary field the course will contain concepts, theories and methods collected from social sciences and the humanities.

Applied Research Methods (compulsory and constituent) 7,5 ECTS credits
This course addresses different aspects of applied research methods such as sampling, data collection, interpretation and analysis. This methodological course will include statistical methods as well as qualitative methods such as interviews, observation and document analysis. Issues of quality in quantitative and qualitative research method applications are in focus. The course gives insight into research context, research design and research ethics. The relation between qualitative and quantitative methods is also treated.

Leadership and project management in cultural organisations (compulsory and constituent) 7,5 ECTS credits
This course focuses on leadership and project management as a tool for developing cultural institutions. Practical aspects such as managing, evaluating and documenting a project are considered as well as theoretical aspects of project leadership and organisational theory. Leadership in cultural organisations is connected to sustainable development regarding democracy, work environment, diversity and equality.

Study location UCPH (Denmark) 3. semester

The Cultural Field:  Users and Intermediation (optional) 15 ECTS credits.

This course aims to give students both practical and theoretical insights into the cultural field. The course focuses especially on users of cultural institutions and the development of new intermediation and audience development strategies in both physical and digital spaces.

The Cultural Field:  Institutions – Changes and Challenges (optional) 15 ECTS credits.

This course aims to give students both practical and theoretical insights into the cultural field. The course focuses especially on cultural institutions and their possibilities to identify, interpret and react upon challenges due to a changing society. The course also focuses on how to develop strategies to meet these challenges.

Leadership and context (Thesis seminar) (compulsory and constituent) 7,5 ECTS credits

This course lays the foundation for the students’ thesis work in two ways. Firstly, it presents the students for leadership challenges “in the real world” by inviting cultural leaders to give lectures and or workshops. Furthermore the course provides the students with the opportunity to undertake micro-internships in cultural institutions. Secondly the course focuses on the student work with research problems in order to strengthen their thesis proposals. 

Partnerships and entrepreneurships (compulsory and constituent) 7,5 ECTS credits

Partnerships and entrepreneurships are important for contemporary cultural institutions There is a growing focus on entrepreneurships and entrepreneurial skills in the cultural field. One of the reasons is the situation on the cultural labour market where people to a wide extent must create their own positions. However, entrepreneurship is not only about management-thinking and economic value and growth. It is also about creating social or cultural value. Likewise partnerships plays an important role for cultural institutions today. The course will focus on devising entrepreneurship strategies and forming different types of partnerships in the cultural field. 

Master Thesis (compulsory and constituent) 30 ECTS credits

The aim of the Master Thesis is to enable the graduate student to complete and communicate problem-oriented academic research and thereby demonstrate the ability to think and work academically, as well as to utilize this competence in a future professional context.

Begrundet forslag til taxameterindplacering

Det foreslås, at uddannelsen placeres på takst 1, da den er humanistisk/samfundsvidenskabelig.

Forslag til censorkorps
Den danske del af uddannelsen foreslås tilknyttet Censorkorpset for Bibliotekskundskab og Informationsvidenskab.

Dokumentation af efterspørgsel på uddannelsesprofil - Upload PDF-fil på max 30 sider. Der kan kun uploades én fil.

Kort redegørelse for behovet for den nye uddannelse

Der er i 2014 udarbejdet en grundig kvalitativ arbejdsmarkedsundersøgelse, som kan rekvireres i sin fulde form. Arbejdsmarkedsundersøgelsen har inddraget i alt 25 kulturledere og potentielle aftagere (4 svenske, 4 norske og 17 danske). Hovedkonklusionerne fra undersøgelsen er, at uddannelsen vurderes som relevant, og at kultursektorens aktører efterspørger de kompetencer, som uddannelsen vil bibringe kandidaterne. Undersøgelsen viser, at behovet for en ny uddannelse i kulturledelse er relateret særligt til tre udfordringer, som kultursektoren står overfor. Det drejer sig om 1) udfordringer relateret til ny teknologi, medier og distributionsformer, 2) udfordringer knyttet til kultursektorens traditionelle ledelsesstruktur og 3) udfordringer i relation til kulturinstitutionernes forhold til det omkringliggende samfund. Undersøgelsen har endvidere afdækket en række kompetencebehov i kultursektoren, som er blevet indarbejdet i studieordningen. Sluttelig har arbejdsmarkedsundersøgelsen vist, at uddannelsens kandidater kan få mange forskellige jobs i kultursektoren. Der er således behov for kandidaterne både i kulturinstitutioner og i forskellige typer af offentlig forvaltning.

Underbygget skøn over det samlede behov for dimittender

Uddannelsen vil være attraktiv for danske, nordiske og sandsynligvis også andre internationale studerende, idet undervisningen vil foregå på engelsk. Målgruppen for det danske optag er primært danske studerende med en humanistisk eller samfundsvidenskabelig bachelor. Med et forventet optag på 42 studerende fordelt ligeligt på de tre partnerinstitutioner forventes det, at der årligt vil blive uddannet ca. 36 kandidater (ud fra et estimeret frafald på ca. 15%), heraf 12 i Danmark. Grundlaget for den forventede kandidatproduktion bygger på dokumentationen for behovet for kandidater med denne uddannelse, der er blevet belyst via behovsundersøgelsen, som forefindes i det vedlagte appendiks. Det er i den forbindelse vigtigt at påpege, at denne kandidatuddannelse er relevant for arbejdsmarkedet i kultursektoren, fordi denne sektor nu og i de kommende år står overfor store og nye ledelsesmæssige udfordringer, og fordi der ikke i de nordiske lande findes andre kandidatuddannelser, der samlet set giver kompetencer til at adressere disse udfordringer.

Hvilke aftagere/aftagerorganisationer har været inddraget i behovsundersøgelsen?

Med afsæt i kompetenceprofilen for dimittender fra Nordic Master in Cultural Policy and Cultural Leadership er følgende aftagergrupper i Danmark identificeret. Parenteserne angiver, hvilke konkrete organisationer der er inddraget i arbejdsmarkedsanalysen. Hvor der er tale om norske eller svenske organisationer, er dette også angivet. 
Entreprenører og virksomheder: (Have kommunikation, Urgent Agency, Ordskælv,, Wonderful Copenhagen)
Museer: (Museum Ragnarock - Museet for pop, rock og ungdomskultur, Designmuseum Danmark)
Biblioteker: (Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Deichmannske bibliotek i Oslo (NO), Roskilde Bibliotek)
Festivaler & events: (Golden Days, Aarhus Festuge, Oslo World Music Festival (NO))
Teatre: (Hotel Pro Forma, Det Kongelige Teater)
Kulturhuse: (Folkets hus og Parker (SE), Sentralen (NO), Kultur Valby)
Kulturpolitik og offentlige styrelser (Kulturministeriet, Kulturstyrelsen, Norrbottens landsting (SE), Region Skåne(SE))
NGOer: (Kulturverkstan, Nätverkstan (SE), Bibliotekschefforeningen, Norske Kunsthåndverkere (NO))

Hvordan er det sikret, at den nye uddannelse matcher det påviste behov?

Fra den første skitse af uddannelsens kompetenceprofil til den færdige ansøgning er en lang række interessenter blevet inddraget, for at sikre et match mellem uddannelsen og det påviste behov. I den uploadede rapport, der dokumenterer efterspørgslen, beskrives den fremgangsmåde faggruppen har benyttet sig af. Uddannelseskonceptet er således blevet til i tæt samarbejde med potentielle interessenter dels igennem en interviewbaseret arbejdsmarkedsundersøgelse og dels i den dialog med en særligt udvalgt gruppe af interessenter fra både Norge Sverige og Danmark. I den vedhæftede undersøgelse kan det ses hvilke udfordringer aftagerene i feltet har formuleret, og hvordan uddannelsens kompetenceprofil svarer på det af udfordringerne afledte behov.
Som led i udviklingen af uddannelsen har uddannelsesforslaget desuden været forelagt Københavns Universitets Uddannelsesstrategiske Råd (KUUR), der netop rådgiver i uddannelsesstrategiske spørgsmål. Uddannelsesforslaget er blevet behandlet i KUUR i efteråret 2016, og således er den aktuelle ansøgning resultatet af justeringer foretaget på baggrund af feedback fra KUUR.

Sammenhæng med eksisterende uddannelser

Der eksisterer ikke, hverken i Danmark eller i de øvrige nordiske lande, en kandidatuddannelse, der modsvarer Nordic Master in Cultural Policy and Cultural Leadership. De uddannelsestilbud, som det er relevant at sammenligne uddannelsen med, er alle karakteriseret ved at være enkeltstående kurser, være tilvalgsfag, være på bachelorniveau eller ved enten at fokusere på kulturelle/kulturpolitiske eller på ledelsesmæssige/administrative elementer.

I forhold til særligt de danske kandidatuddannelser, som kunne tænkes at konkurrere med Nordic Master in Cultural Policy and Cultural Leadership (Moderne Kultur og kulturformidling ved KU, Kultur og Formidling ved SDU og Æstetik og Kultur ved AU,) adskiller uddannelsen sig væsentligt fra disse. Nordic Master in Cultural Policy and Cultural Leadership er således forankret i et nordisk fagmiljø og har kulturteori, kulturpolitik og kulturledelse som sit genstandsfelt samtidigt med, at den fokuserer på praksis gennem konkrete kompetencer i forhold til ledelse, marketing, partnerskabelse og entreprenørskab. Hertil kommer, at den udbydes på engelsk og herved kan rekruttere internationalt. Se bilag 2 for en uddybende analyse af sammenhængen med eksisterende uddannelser i Danmark, Norden og internationalt.


Uddannelsen vil være attraktiv for danske, nordiske og sandsynligvis også internationale studerende, idet undervisningen vil foregå på engelsk. Målgruppen for det danske optag er primært danske studerende med en humanistisk eller samfundsvidenskabelig bachelor. På uddannelsen forventes et optag på ca. 42 studerende fordelt ligeligt mellem de tre deltagende lande. 

Forventet optag

Antallet af studiepladser på uddannelsen er begrænset. På kandidatuddannelsen Nordic Master in Cultural Policy and Cultural Leadership er der en kapacitet på 42 studiepladser, hvoraf de 14 pladser er i Danmark, og de 28 i Norge og Sverige. Der skal være min. 36 kvalificerede ansøgere før uddannelsen oprettes. 

Hvis relevant: forventede praktikaftaler

I faget Leadership and context vil de studerende få tilbud om at deltage i et projektorienteret forløb, som på uddannelsen kaldes et praksisorienteret forløb - dvs. et ophold af mindre end en uges varighed i forskellige kulturinstitutioner og virksomheder. Der er foreløbig indgået aftaler med Ordskælv, Urgent Agency, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst samt Museum Ragnarock – Museet for pop, rock og ungdomskultur herom.

Hermed erklæres, at ansøgning om prækvalifikation er godkendt af institutionens rektor

Status på ansøgningen


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A1 - Udkast til afslag på godkendelse - KA i Kulturpolitik og kulturledelse - KU.pdf

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