Ansøgning om prækvalifikation af videregående uddannelser

Kandidat - Urban Studies (i daglig tale 4cities) - Københavns Universitet

Københavns Universitet
03/02-2014 09:48
2014 - 1
Ny uddannelse


Er institutionen institutionsakkrediteret?

Er der tidligere søgt om godkendelse af uddannelsen eller udbuddet?


Uddannelsens fagbetegnelse på dansk fx. kemi
Urban Studies (i daglig tale 4cities)

Uddannelsens fagbetegnelse på engelsk fx. chemistry
Urban Studies (i daglig tale 4cities)

Den uddannedes titel på dansk
Cand.mag. i Urban Studies

Den uddannedes titel på engelsk
MA in Urban Studies

Hvilket hovedområde hører uddannelsen under?

Hvilke adgangskrav gælder til uddannelsen?
Applicants are eligible for the programme if they have an 180 ECTS bachelor in geography, sociology, literature & cultural studies, architecture & planning, economy, political sciences, public management, tourism, history, criminology, leisure studies, media studies or a similar discipline.

A proof of proficiency in English with a minimum required test result of TOEFL: 555 (paper based), 213 (computer based), 80 (internet based)or IELTS: 6,5 points academic test or similar proficiency tests in English

Er det et internationalt uddannelsessamarbejde?

Hvis ja, hvilket samarbejde?
UNICA og Erasmus Mundus
Her følger en kort redegørelse for uddannelsessamarbejde og -akkreditering.

I 2008 indgik KU et uddannelsessamarbejde om Master in Urban Studies 4Cities gennem UNICA (Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe).

Uddannelsen koordineres fra Vrije Universiteit Brussel med deltagelse af Université Libre de Bruxelles, Universität Wien, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid samt Københavns Universitet.

Uddannelsens tredje semester foregår på Københavns Universitet, Humaniora, og der optages årligt 20-25 studerende. Maksimalt 3 studerende fra samme land kan optages på en årgang.

En omfattende consortium-aftale regulerer indhold og bidrag fra de enkelte institutioner. Aftalen blev genforhandlet i 2013 og fornyes af de respektive institutioner i foråret 2014.


Med Københavns Universitet som partner ansøgte uddannelsen i 2012 om Erasmus Mundus-godkendelse. Ansøgningen blev imødekommet af Kommissionen.

I forbindelse med Erasmus Mundus-godkendelsen i 2012, blev uddannelsen positivt akkrediteret hos de Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie, der er et EQAR godkendt akkrediteringsorgan.

Se bilagsmaterialet for akkrediteringen.
I september 2013 understregede Danmarks Akkrediteringsinstitution, at uddannelsen, trods den positive uddannelsesakkreditering, skal prækvalificeres af RUVU.

Hvilket sprog udbydes uddannelsen på?

Er uddannelsen primært baseret på e-læring?


Beskrivelse af uddannelsen
The urban millennium has arrived. Now the majority of the world’s population lives in cities. Urban culture is reshaping the world. Urbanisation and globalization are two sides of the same coin.

4cities is interdisciplinary and incorporates sociology, geography, history, cultural studies, and humanistic urban studies.

During a period of two years, students take part in an interdisciplinary programme and study and live in four cities: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid and Vienna.

The programme presents students with ways of analyzing and understanding the specific character of cities. Thus, it will prepare them to participate in the resolving of urban problems and the invention of new strategies to describe and address the process of globalization.

The programme opens possibilities for students to work on urban problems in both the private or public sector. Potential job fields are: urban policy advising, project management, planning, research, teaching, and media.

The course philosophy:
This particular programme adds a European perspective to the field of Urban Studies: it wants to break up and to open the national perspective on urban problems. The growing importance of globalisation and the shift towards a world of flows calls for a new approach in important fields of urban policy like culture, economy and planning.

The mission statement:
The programme focuses on
• Glocalisation - the processes of globalisation and localisation - as a general context leading to a renewed importance of the city and urbanity in the 21st century. The city is considered a nodal point in post-national developments.
• Europe as the unit of analysis: Europe and the European unification process is seen as part of and a reaction to this globalisation processes. Our scope is Europe seen through its cities and urban networks.
• Interdisciplinarity and internationality as a surplus value. The UNICA master is a thematic masters programme focused on transdisciplinary approaches and transdisciplinary practices (not the least bridging urban planning and urban sociology, geography, etc) with a focus on the socio-spatial analysis of cities.
• An education build on strong cases: Brussels (capital of EU, small global city) – Copenhagen (the Scandinavian mode of regulation), Vienna (metropolis at the centre of Europe: gateway to the East), Madrid ( the Mediterranean cities) and a number of surrounding cities.
• The importance of fieldwork: research experience in each city and comparative or transnational research as the basis for a final masters thesis
• A number of excursions and visits: a central attractor will be that we incorporate well prepared excursions in each block. Each excursion will incorporate a socio-spatial introduction to the city (a city walk) and an institutional visit with a focus on certain aspects of policy or management. Moreover a number of projects and institutions will be visited.

Kompetenceprofilen kan ses i bilagsmaterialet.

Uddannelsens konstituerende faglige elementer
Semester 1: Brussels
September - February
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) + Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB): 40 ECTS

(1) European Urban Studies (VUB) - 8 ECTS
This (introductory) course is intended to set a frame for the whole curriculum. It aims at clarifying “Europe” as a unit of analysis in the globalization-localization process and as a significant scale to discuss urbanity and urban development.

(2) Urban Social Geography (VUB) - 8 ECTS
The aim of this course is to give students an overview of and insight into the socio-spatial development of the European City and the contemporary debates within urban studies on spatial developments in and around cities. We will focus on the social geography of Brussels, urban theory, neighborhood research and the sustainable city.

(3) Urban Sociology (ULB) - 8 ECTS
The objective of this course is to give the students an overview of and insight into the changing relation between space and society in the contemporary city. General themes in the sociology of space such as life style, mobility… as well as the status of space in the different theories of the city (interpretative paradigm/descriptive paradigm) will be addressed.

(4) Urban Economic Geography (ULB) - 8 ECTS
The basic aim of the course is to bring students to make sense of major contemporary transformations of urban socio-economic geographies, in European cities in particular. The course consists of a political-economy approach to urban change. Cities are considered here as social constructs shaped by power struggles and political options under evolving historical circumstances.

(5) Urban Analysis I & II (VUB + ULB) 4 + 4 ECTS
The logic behind this course is the following: students have to adopt practical and analytical skills allowing them to ‘analyze’ the urban. The five fields of attention are:
Statistics, qualitative research, cartography, special methods: social area analyses, SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) scenario techniques and project management.

Semester 2: Vienna
March - June
Universität Wien: 20 ECTS

(6) Demography of European Cities - 4 ECTS
This course has three main objectives: To provide an overview of the main demographic trends in Europe and especially in European cities. To sensitize the students to the political and societal consequences of these trends. To strengthen the ability of the students to calculate and interpret demographic indicators in a correct way.

(7) Principles in Urban Planning and Urbanism- 4 ECTS

This lecture course will take you through the long history of urban planning in Europe, from ancient beginnings to recent examples of urban management. Such a long view is considered helpful to understand contemporary attempts to renovate, reutilize and reinterpret urbanist and urban planning solutions from the more immediate to the more distant past.

(8) Contemporary Problems in Urban Development
The course will be divided up into three parts. The first part focuses on contemporary issues and strategies of urban development and related policies. US-American and European cities will serve as examples to examine these topics from various perspectives.
The link between theoretical approaches and society is provided in the second part by a more practical approach; discussing issues of urban development on-site in the City of Vienna. In the third part of the course the students will present their results of the empirical work.

(9) Urban Development and Planning in Eastern Europe - 4 ETCS
The module is an integrated part of the Vienna block of the 4Cities UNICA Euromaster in Urban Studies Project. The main aims of this module are to present the main tendencies of urban development in Eastern–Central Europe and in Hungary, the similarities and differences between the Eastern and Western European urban development models, and to explain the specificities, and the social consequences of Eastern–Central European and Hungarian urban planning processes.

(10) Urban Analysis III - 4 ECTS
The general aim of Urban Analysis III (UA III) is to deepen and extend methods that have been lectured in UA I and UA II in order to provide a comprehensive and complete understanding of key methods.In UA III qualitative and quantitative methods will be used in order to collect useful data that can be analyzed and presented in a suitable way.

Semester 3: Copenhagen
September - December
Københavns Universitet: 20 ECTS

(11) Urbanism and Architecture - 7,5 ECTS
The aim of this course is to present the main developments of 19th and 20th century European cities and to explore the form and the function of selected types of architecture. Copenhagen is a central reference throughout the course; these developments will be related to international developments as well.

(12) Urban Culture and Cultural Theory - 7,5 ECTS
This course aims at establishing principles for a culture-theoretical approach to the city. A variety of discourses may contribute to this project: architectural, literary, sociological and philosophical issues will be discussed via readings of major theoretical texts in order to outline key concepts that allow us to understand the city as urbanity, i.e. as a complex cultural phenomenon.

(13) Urban Analysis IV - 5 ECTS
Principles for an interdisciplinary analysis of modern urbanity will be developed and tested in case-studies that address the differentiated spatial and socio-cultural reality of a metropolitan region such as Copenhagen around 2000. A number of professional and academic approaches to the present development of the urban field will be illustrated during this course.

Semester 4: Madrid
April - May
Universidad Complutense de Madrid + Universidad Autonoma de Madrid : 10 ECTS

(14) The Sustainable and Liveable City - 10 ECTS
The development of social cohesion under the impact of the flux of immigrants and of housing shortage is one of the main challenges to the sustainable and liveable city in Southern Europe. This shall be presented by means of cases that illustrate different scales, geographical situations and urban models. Special attention shall be paid to the transversal subjects such as environmental or innovation policies.

Master Thesis

What is a 4Cities master thesis? It is a unique piece of research done by yourself which proofs that you have developed the skills and knowledge to do scientific research in the field of Urban Studies. The end result consists of a well written text in English which has the potential to be published in an academic journal. You will also demonstrate your oral skills by defending your thesis during a public session in Brussels. A thesis which is judged to be of very good or excellent quality will be a guarantee that the student is fit for an academic career as researcher.

The thesis should be a mix of theory and case-studies whereby you take full advantage of the European and comparative approach of the 4Cities-programme. The thesis should consequently have a strong international comparative angle.

I bilagsmaterialet vises uddannelsens opbygning skematisk. Bemærk at man løbende afholder specialeseminarer – Wien i andet semester, København i tredje semester og Madrid i fjerde. Dermed indgår den komparative vinkel (de fire byer) som et centralt element i de studerendes specialer – samtidig med at specialegennemførslen på er meget høj for uddannelsen.

Flertallet gennemfører på normeret tid.

Se lister over specialeemner og A-graded theses

Begrundet forslag til taxameterindplacering
Uddannelsen foreslås placeret i kategori 1, da det er en humanistisk/samfundsvidenskabelig uddannelse.

Forslag til censorkorps
Censorkorpset for Moderne Kultur og Kulturformidling

Dokumentation af efterspørgsel på uddannelsesprofil - Upload PDF-fil på max 30 sider. Der kan kun uploades én fil.
Behov for 4cities.pdf

Kort redegørelse for behovet for den nye uddannelse
For første gang nogensinde bor mere end halvdelen af klodens befolkning i byer; stadig flere søger ind til byerne, og byerne er hastigt voksende. Det indebærer voldsomme ændringer i indbyggernes sociale, kulturelle og økonomiske vilkår, men urbaniseringen medfører også vækst og udvikling.

Verden ser et skift fra konkurrence mellem nationer til konkurrence mellem byer og regioner.

Samtidig må politikere, beslutningstagere, kulturgeografer, sociologer, byplanlæggere, arkitekter udarbejde løsninger for områder som livskvalitet i byerne, bæredygtighed og den kulturelle og sociale brug af byrummet.

Urbane studier går på tværs af traditionelle faggrænser.

De adspurgte aftagere omtaler urbane studier som et arbejdsfelt, der vokser i betydning og med et stort jobpotentiale for kandidater der kan
• realisere politiske ønsker til en praktisk og fagligt funderet vision for udvikling af byområder
• omstille til klima/miljømæssig bæredygtighed i byerne
• sikre social og kulturel bæredygtighed i byerne i en tid med urbanisering
• formidle bykultur og byudvikling i fremtiden, herunder sikre den arkitektoniske og byplanmæssige kulturarv
• navigere i interkulturelle og internationale sammenhænge, globalt og i byens kvarterer
• analysere behov og adfærd blandt borgere og brugere af byen
• kommunikere og inddrage borgere i udvikling af byområder og nærdemokrati

Hertil knytter sig en global interesse for de europæiske storbyer og en særlig interesse for København, som senest i 2013 igen er udnævnt som verdens mest 'livable by' af Monocle.

Se fx

Underbygget skøn over det samlede behov for dimittender
Uddannelsen har internationalisering som en kerneværdi, og den rekrutterer i begrænset omfang danske studerende.

Som det fremgår under Rekrutteringsgrundlag, optager uddannelsen 20-25 af de dygtigste studerende i et felt på 1000 ansøgere:
(...) in order to achieve a balanced mix in terms of nationality (not more than three students of the same country), and educational background, but without compromising the general rule that the very best students rank highest.

Som det fremgår af alumneundersøgelsen i bilagsmaterialet finder kandidaterne beskæftigelse inden for 2-6 måneder efter dimission, og der er i høj grad tale om et internationalt arbejdsmarked.

Hvilke aftagere/aftagerorganisationer har været inddraget i behovsundersøgelsen?
Uddannelsen har tæt kontakt med dens alumner og undersøger deres ansættelser og netværk systematisk.
Den seneste undersøgelse opsummerer alumnernes arbejdsmarked således

After graduation from the 4Cities program graduates work in many different fields. The broad aspect of the program in relation to its ability to embrace the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences give the graduates from 4Cities qualifications to explore many different facets of business both in the public – and private sector. On top of that the multicultural skills and the European perspective gained while enrolled at the 4Cities program make people able to work all over Europe and internationally.

Derudover har vi været i kontakt med aftagere i arkitektbranchen, kommuner og regioner, og med Dansk Arkitektur Center (DAC) der er en central aktør og forandringsagent for dansk arkitektur og byggeri.

Se bilagsmaterialet for en liste over alumnernes arbejdspladser og en liste over aftagere.
Se desuden

Hvordan er det sikret, at den nye uddannelse matcher det påviste behov?
Uddannelsen har tæt kontakt med dens alumner og undersøger deres ansættelser og netværk systematisk.

Feltarbejde og projektforløb er desuden en væsentlig bestanddel af uddannelsen. I det tilbagevendende feltstudiekursus Urban Analysis indgår projekter og samarbejde med virksomheder og organisationer der arbejder med bykultur eller policy making.

I de øvrige kurser indgår gæsteforelæsere og eksperter i det pågældende geografiske eller urbane område. De studerende får dermed et bredt netværk på tværs af Europa, og netværket dækker offentlige.

An alumni survey (2011) shows that out of the 14 alumni (33 alumni in total at that time) who completed the questionnaire at least three found their job through connections they had built up writing their thesis or through contacts established while studying Urban Studies.

Der er dermed en løbende dialog mellem studerende, uddannelse og aftagere om arbejdsmarkedets krav.

Uddannelsen har desuden været i høring i Københavns Universitets Uddannelsesstrategiske Råd (KUUR), og aftagerpanelet for Institut for Kunst og Kulturvidenskab under KU bidrager til uddannelsens løbende udvikling.

Der er ingen planer om at øge optaget af studerende udover 20-25 årligt.

Sammenhæng med eksisterende uddannelser
Uddannelsen rekrutterer i begrænset omfang danske studerende, og har med indtil videre syv danske kandidater en begrænset indflydelse på det danske arbejdsmarked.

I Danmark er urbane studier endnu et forsknings- og arbejdsfelt i udvikling. Hidtil har ingeniør- og geografuddannelserne produceret kandidater, men i takt med den globale urbanisering udvides feltet med et sociologisk og humanistisk perspektiv på livet i byerne.

Som alumneundersøgelsen viser, efterspørger danske offentlige og private aftagere inden for bykultur, rådgivning og analyser (fx carlbergchristensen, Dansk Bygningsarv, Dansk Arkitektur Center) kandidater med stærke kompetencer inden for kulturformidling, brugeranalyser og projektledelse. En anden aftager – Erik Brand Dam Arkitekter fremhæver at kandidaterne fra uddannelsen netop med disse kompetencer komplementerer arkitekterne - der så er stærke på den konceptuelle og rumlige analyse og design af bygninger og byrum.

Fire perspektiver er helt afgørende for 4Cities-programmet - og udmærker det i forhold til andre uddannelser inden for feltet urbane studier:
• Det europæiske perspektiv implicerer, at de studerende vil arbejde på en måde, der kombinerer det globale og det lokale niveau, samtidig med at de inden for den europæiske ramme vil få skærpet blikket for nationale og lokale variationer. Den europæiske horisont vil give de studerende kompetencer, som vil åbne det europæiske og det globale arbejdsmarked for dem.
• Det tværfaglige perspektiv implicerer, at de studerende vil lære at kombinere human- og samfundsvidenskabelige vinkler. Det vil gøre det muligt for dem at arbejde med urbane temaer og problemer fra alle tænkelige vinkler. Aftagerne fremhæver det tværfaglige
• Uddannelsen tvinger de studerende til at arbejde og præstere i miljøer der er internationale, tværfaglige og foranderlige: Der rekrutteres fra en bred vifte af uddannelser, maksimalt 3 fra samme land kan starte på en årgang, og de studerende skal selv forme en tilværelse i fire byer på to år, herunder selv finde bolig.
• Aftagere med kendskab til uddannelsen fremhæver at kandidaterne er stærke inden for projektledelse og feltstudier med et komparativt blik på Europa, andre byer eller regioner. Kandidaterne er gennem uddannelsen trænede i at omsætte analyser og viden til dels den pågældende geografiske kontekst, men også en europæisk, global eller regional.

Since its start in September 2008, the 4Cities master programme has witnessed a considerable increase in applications coming from the fields of Urban Sociology, Urban Geography, Urban Demography, Urban Cultural Studies, European Urban Studies, Urban Economics, Urban Politics, Planning and Architecture, which indicates a strong interest in such a programme.

Uddannelsen har internationalisering som en kerneværdi, og den rekrutterer i begrænset omfang danske studerende. Optagelsesprocessen koordineres fra Vrije Universiteit Brussel og omfatter
(…) diploma and academic records (mark sheets), three letters of recommendation, a comprehensive motivation letter and proof of proficiency in English.

Udvælgelsesprocessen reguleres således

The ranking is weighted as follows: 60% on academics results of the applicants (ECTS A or B, according to marks list), 30% on motivation letter (the letter has to clearly show the interest of the applicant in urban issues and to provide some indications as to how the applicant plans to use his/her knowledge after completion of the programme), and 10% on the reference letters.

This ranking is then adjusted by the Application Committee in order to achieve a balanced mix in terms of nationality (not more than three students of the same country), and educational background, but without compromising the general rule that the very best students rank highest.

Indtil videre har 7 bachelorer fra Danmark gennemført uddannelsen – i alt har 80 taget kandidatgrad.
Fire af de syv danske ansøgere har haft en baggrund i humaniora og samfundsvidenskab fra KU, øvrige danske ansøgere var bachelorer fra RUC.

Se skema for optagelses og ansøgerantal 2008-2013 i bilagsmaterialet.

Se mere om optagelsesprocessen på

Forventet optag
Efter EMMC-godkendelsen vælges der hvert år 20 studerende fra EU-lande og 5 fra ikke-EU, og man udbyder nu uddannelsens sjette årgang (2008-2013). Den syvende har studiestart i Bruxelles i september 2014.

Se desuden skema for optagelses og ansøgerantal 2008-2013 i bilagsmaterialet.

Hvis relevant: forventede praktikaftaler
Ikke relevant.

Hermed erklæres, at ansøgning om prækvalifikation er godkendt af institutionens rektor

Status på ansøgningen

2014 - 1

Afgørelsesbilag - Upload PDF-fil
Afgørelse_KU_Urban studies.pdf

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